The Reluctant Prophet, painting of a  boy wearing nose and eye disguise and black feathers on his back with ravens on both sides of him and a sun and sky backdrop, art about childhood, art with crow raven blackbird, son, child, art about fitting in, hide, blend, self, tribe, adolescence, trompe l'oeil, soulful uplifting inspirational art, soul stirring illusion art, romantic art,  surrealism, surreal art, dreamlike imagery, fanciful art, fantasy art, dreamscape visual, metaphysical art, spiritual painting, metaphysical painting, spiritual art, whimsical art, whimsy art, dream art, fantastic realism art, magic realism oil painting by Paul Bond

This idea evolved from a photo that I took of my then 9 yr old son, Everest. His deadpan expression with those glasses begged for a whimsical composition. It morphed into a study of how we often hide our differences – and our unique brilliance – to fit in with “the norm”. My son is such a shining soul, and it pained me during those years to see him try to not stand out for fear of being different. I know I did the same in my youth.

The Reluctant Prophet

23 x 41 - Oil On Panel - Sold, Private Collection